Current Leagues:
STA: 50-49-0
TFL: 58-40-0
Past Leagues:
PFL: 22-25-0
CAL: 9-5-0
OGL: 29-11-0
TGL: 2-0-0
Total Record:
Points For:
Points Against:
DO vs. CwO
Round 1
Round 2
[DO] vs tHoL on 11/06/2003 |
League |
Opponent |
Scores |
Maps |
Result |
Screen Shots |
tHoL |
10 - 10
50 - 10 |
security_r security_r
Win |
Round 1 Round 2
Both rounds our defense held pretty well for most of the round, with a cap somehow getting out both rounds. Our offense seemed to have a good bit of movement round 1; I heard them say front door only to have the flag return. Round 2 they capitalized on those movements and we pulled ahead for the lead.
gg guys!
- Koron