Current Leagues:
STA: 50-49-0
TFL: 58-40-0
Past Leagues:
PFL: 22-25-0
CAL: 9-5-0
OGL: 29-11-0
TGL: 2-0-0
Total Record:
Points For:
Points Against:
DO vs. CwO
Round 1
Round 2
[DO] vs KAR on 04/03/2003 |
League |
Opponent |
Scores |
Maps |
Result |
Screen Shots |
180 - 183
241 - 148 |
canalzon canalzon
Win |
Round 1 Round 2
Round 1:
We decide to grab the red side for round 1, anxious to get it over with. We hope for a close round so that we can finish it off on the blue side. We were pushing hard at the end and almost got the lead, but the round ends with us 3 points short.
Score: 180-183, KAR wins
Round 2:
Fairly confident with such a close margin on red, we go into the server to face off as the blue team. We had a clear command for the entire round and even managed an all cap. With about five minutes left, Red drops, as he does EVERY SINGLE GAME. Then another minute later Audioking's neighborhood power goes out. We play on 8v10. Even then we get 2 points away from an all cap.
Score: 241-148, DO wins
Final: 421-331, DO wins