Current Leagues:
STA: 50-49-0
TFL: 58-40-0
Past Leagues:
PFL: 22-25-0
CAL: 9-5-0
OGL: 29-11-0
TGL: 2-0-0
Total Record:
Points For:
Points Against:
DO vs. CwO
Round 1
Round 2
[DO] vs +[/ /]- on 03/03/2003 |
League |
Opponent |
Scores |
Maps |
Result |
Screen Shots |
+[/ /]- |
90 - 90
100 - 150 |
vidars vidars
Loss |
Round 1 Round 2
Round 1 was intense and ended all tied up...round 2 we had a lead of a few caps and it seemed to be in the bag, then before we know it Red drops, and they are getting relay after relay.
Comment by Hoju [03/03/2003 @ 08:30:19 PM PST]: rofl
had this won... red drops and they cap about 7 in 2 minutes... bg |
Comment by Flare [03/04/2003 @ 02:45:59 PM PST]: [23:16] <@[DO]-InnerFury> if this happens again im just going to kick you, its bs we cant depend on your for fuckign dropping
someone needs to lynch this hypocritical nazi |
Comment by Koron [03/12/2003 @ 08:30:12 PM PST]: Well, it appears that at least one of the guys in this match got caught cheating. No real surprise there. |