Current Leagues:
STA: 50-49-0
TFL: 58-40-0

Past Leagues:
PFL: 22-25-0
CAL: 9-5-0
OGL: 29-11-0
TGL: 2-0-0

Total Record:
170-130-0  (56.67%)

Points For:

Points Against:

DO vs. CwO    

Round 1    

Round 2    
[DO] vs KAR on 02/20/2003
League Opponent Scores Maps Result Screen Shots
TFL KAR 85 - 36
3 - 6
Win Round 1
Round 2
Hoju wrote a flame about how KAR chased like we've never seen chasing before (especially round 2 as you can see from the scores). However, the writeup sucked so I substituted in this explanation.

From what I hear, I'm glad I didn't play tonight. Thanks for giving us the win.

- [DO]-Koron
One gains by losing
and loses by gaining.

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