Current Leagues:
STA: 50-49-0
TFL: 58-40-0

Past Leagues:
PFL: 22-25-0
CAL: 9-5-0
OGL: 29-11-0
TGL: 2-0-0

Total Record:
170-130-0  (56.67%)

Points For:

Points Against:

DO vs. CwO    

Round 1    

Round 2    
[DO] vs SD on 04/02/2001
League Opponent Scores Maps Result Screen Shots
STA SD 20 - 70
80 - 0
Win Round 1
Round 2
WOW!! That had to be the most intense TFC match I have ever played in! Great game by all!

We played round one at the famous SD Dawg Pound with team pings around 140-150 in DO's favor. In the opening rush a bhopping soldier came and got our flag right away through the water…something I hadn't seen or imagined possible up until now. But then again, this was SD. And from the get go we knew we were in for a dog fight. While their rush was successful, our's was met with the traditional SD wall of D. Our D never really settled in this round, we showed it and payed for it. Time after time they would rush the button and steal the flag out about every so many minutes. So, we left this round to experimenting on D some and trying to survive the spam from both sides. That little bridge out front kind of brings out the best spam in a clan when the flag is there. :P Our O wasn't entirely shut out though, capping a very important 2 caps by Hoju-A-. That, coupled with Bud crossing the 100 mark for pure kills on D, we were able to hold the bleeding to a minimum this round. 20-70 SD.

Well Rd2 started on our home server in NC, [DO] Burial Grounds, and pings were quite even, wallowing around 100. We prayed and prayed, and hoped our D would hold, and hoped our O would click in on all four cylinders. And it did. Before we knew it we had a 2-0 lead, and our D would keep the flag nestled in the FR. Once we reached 5-0, my heart practically stopped. We were in for a tie. But wait, there was still another 15 minutes to go. Our D continued to hold against a furious SD offense, and in the end, we shut them out. Our offense, well damn, they got another 3 caps in the last 15 minutes, giving us the win. MVP's basically go out to both the O and D for Rd2. Great job shutting SD out on one of their better maps, and bringing home the winning caps.

- Jacar
One gains by losing
and loses by gaining.

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